Saturday, May 29, 2010

a piece? or a Peace?

Finding my weigh means so much more to me than just slimming down God's way. I am finding that there are just things here and there in my life that I need to deal with. The comfort I find in food takes the place of the comfort I find in the Lord. Why? Food is temporary. God is eternal.

It's been kind of a tough year in my life. I consider myself truly blessed, and there have been amazing people around me to basically smack me awake to where I was and where God could take me, but there is only so much that people around me can do. Eventually I had to look inside of my own heart to see where the entire mess originated.

Turns out it wasn't just one thing. It was a bunch of little things. I had been looking for peace, but I didn't know how to get it. So, I would reach for a piece. Every time I needed comfort in dealing with an issue, I would avoid the issue and instead, treat myself to something that made me feel better.


I dug myself out of one hole with a tool that simply shoved me into another pit.

Isn't it kind of crazy that we do that to ourselves? We look for our own way out of our problems, but if we don't turn towards God, then we have used the wrong tool for the job, and most likely, we have caused more damage that now needs to be cleaned up. In panic, frustration, irritation, anger, or just sadness, I would reach for my comfort in that great food "high."

Philippians 4:6-9 says, "Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep (garrison) your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.

Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you."

Wow. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that my peace will come from my doughnut. Trust me. I have looked.

A piece is temporary. God's peace is eternal.

I need to know peace in my life. Food has yet to do that for me. I still enjoy it, but I am more resolved to make sure that my piece does not fulfill me and that it only comes after God's Peace has comforted my heart.

Thank you for those of you that are coming with me on this journey. Today, my journey of a thousand miles is now one step closer. I comfortably pulled on my jeans today for the first time in two months. Please stick with me on this. Your encouragement has been part of the Peace that God has given to me as a gift.


  1. I can be a bondage. I wish to be liberated from its grasps. It stopped being about getting skinny a looong time ago when I started feeling sick on a regular consistent basis. We bought a "pudding cake" from the grocery store the other night. Why? Because it was $1.99 and it was something fun to have after a cookout dinner. OK, so we all ate a piece. Tasty, for sure. I glanced at the package (which I need to train myself to do PRIOR to purchase) and noticed the looooong list of ingredients. Now I'm no master chef, but I know it didn't take that many ingredients to bake a cake. Do you KNOW some of the things I FOUND in there??? Propylene glycol AND sodium laurel sulfate!!! Among MANY other preservatives. I about died. It went right in the trash, and I prayed over the effects it had on us. Ugh.

  2. The cake had SLS?!?!?! What in the world would that be in there for?? How scary is it that we take for granted that our food is safe?

    Where is the FDA when they are putting anti-freeze in our food? That is exactly what propylene glycol is.

  3. I know...the only thing I can possibly imagine is that it's an extreme preservative (what kind of world do we live in where pudding cake-which contained NO pudding, btw-has to be preserved to THAT length) or that it could perhaps be a narcotic of some sorts to keep us coming back for more :p Wouldn't put it past them.

    I'm almost convinced to pull up the MSDS data sheets of just those two ingredients, along with the list of ingredients of that cake, and send it to the store's corporate office and scream that they need to find more natural sources for their bakery items. If they can't buy and sell local, they shouldn't sell at all. And that chain is very local so it shouldn't be a problem. Not that I need to be eating "natural" pudding cake but that's besides the point :p
